The metafor Package

A Meta-Analysis Package for R

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Below are some links to other websites that are in some way relevant/related to the metafor package or other software packages for meta-analysis.

Other Free/Open-Source Software

  • Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health: The Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health at Brown University has supported the development of the metafor package in various ways (also by providing some financial support). In addition, the center has developed OpenMeta and OpenMEE, two open-source software packages for conducting meta-analyses that make use of the metafor package as part of the backend.
  • Meta-Analysis Task View @ CRAN: The meta-analysis task view on CRAN (curated and maintained by Michael Dewey) provides a nice overview of the various R packages related to meta-analysis.
  • The metaSEM package: A meta-analysis package for R, developed by Mike Cheung, that is based on a structural equation modeling (SEM) framework.
  • Review Manager: The Review Manager (RevMan) is the software tool used for conducting and writing Cochrane Reviews.
  • MAVIS: MAVIS is a (Shiny) web application for meta-analysis that makes use of metafor and a couple other meta-analysis packages under the hood.
  • metaforGUI: metaforGUI provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to run simple meta-analyses via metafor.
  • MAJOR: MAJOR is a meta-analysis module for the open-source statistical software package jamovi that uses metafor for the computations.
  • JASP: JASP is an open-source statistical software package that also provides meta-analytic functionality based on the metafor package.
  • MetaWin: A free, open source, multi-platform software for meta-analysis.

Commercial Stand-Alone Packages

  • Comprehensive Meta-Analysis: A user-friendly commercial software package developed by Michael Borenstein (and others) for conducting meta-analyses.
  • EPPI-Reviewer: Web-based software developed by the EPPI-Centre to conduct various types of literature reviews (provides extensive tools for bibliography management, screening, and data extraction).
  • DistillerSR: Software for systematic reviews (so not directly for meta-analysis itself, but for conducting the literature search, screening, and data extraction steps).
  • Covidence: And another software package for conducting systematic reviews.

Add-Ins for Commercial Packages

  • David Wilson: In connection with the book Practical Meta-Analysis, David Wilson has written a number of macros for conducting meta-analyses in SPSS and Stata. The macros are available for free.
  • MIX: MIX 2.0 is an add-in for performing meta-analyses in Excel. An evaluation version is available for free (but only works with the built-in datasets).
  • MetaXL: A freely available add-in for Excel.
  • MetaEasy: And another freely available Excel add-in.
  • Meta-Essentials: A set of Excel workbooks for meta-analysis.
  • Meta-Analysis in Stata: Various routines for conducting meta-analyses have been developed for Stata. The link provides an overview of the available routines.

Miscellaneous Sites

  • Cochrane Tools: Cochrane maintains a list with tools that can be useful in the production of Cochrane reviews (and in creating systematic reviews and meta-analyses in general).
  • Systematic Review Toolbox: A catalog of tools that support various tasks within the systematic review and wider evidence synthesis process.
links.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/09/18 20:16 by Wolfgang Viechtbauer